Sanjay Popli Ias Wikipedia: Sanjay Popli was arrested by the Chandigarh Police on Tuesday for unlawfully carrying ammunition. Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer Sanjay Popli and an assistant were detained by the Punjab Vigilance Bureau on Monday night for allegedly bribing officials in Nawanshahr, Punjab, to pass a contract for constructing sewage lines.
In a court appearance on Tuesday, the FBI brought Popli and his assistant Sandeep Wats to face four days in police arrest. On the other side, the Chandigarh Police arrested Popli on Tuesday for unlawfully carrying ammunition. The Vigilance Bureau discovered 41 live 7.65-caliber cartridges, two 32-caliber cartridges, and 30.22-caliber cartridges during searches of his home on Monday evening.
Chandigarh’s Sector 11 police station then arrested Popli for violating the Arms Act. In response to a tip from a government contractor at a company named Dikhadala Cooperative Society Limited, Popli and his accomplice, Sandeep Wats, were taken into custody. At Nawanshahr, he claimed in his complaint against Popli and Wats that the pair requested a 1% cut for the approval of sewage pipeline bids.
Allegedly awarded the deal for Rs 7.30 crore, Kumar said. Wats called him on WhatsApp on January 12 to inform him that Popli had requested Rs 7 lakh for tender allotment. Finally, Sandeep Wats received Rs.3.5 million from his PNB account and drove it to Sector 20 in Chandigarh.
To make things even worse, the lawsuit alleges that Wats contacted Sanjay Popli on his WhatsApp number and informed him that he had received the money, while pocketing an additional Rs 5000 for himself. The whole exchange was captured on camera by Sanjay Kumar. He refused to pay the remaining Rs 3.5 lakh when Wats phoned him many more times.
In light of Sanjay Kumar’s confession and video evidence, a complaint was filed against IAS officer Popli and Sandeep Wats for bribery, according to a bureau spokeswoman. As of Tuesday, the Vigilance Bureau has received a second accusation of corruption against Popli, who was detained on Monday while serving as the Director Pensions for the state government.
The second complaint was lodged against him by the CBI when an Abohar-based contractor accused the IAS official of corruption. “We want to question him.” Let’s wait and see what happens. Two corruption accusations have been filed against him as of today,” a vigilance officer said.