Riaan Swiegelaar Wikipedia: Satanic Church of South Africa co-founder and priest has resigned after converting to Christianity. It was two years ago when church founder Riaan Swiegelaar, who described himself as a “broken guy,” was able to officially register the church as a religious organization in the Netherlands.

“I’ve met thousands of Satanists over the previous three years who were all shattered,” he claimed. His story and warning that the Satanic religion is expanding and will continue to exist were shared on Facebook Monday. “I signed a non-disclosure agreement, so I can’t speak about some aspects of the organization.”
When I asked him how long the church had been there, he said, “It’s been around for a long time. I’m an out homosexual guy, and God taught me that Christianity is not a closed society and that it’s about grace and love,” Swiegelaar said in an emotional interview.
He claims to have given a radio appearance on Cape Talk in May of this year in which he explained his decision to become an atheist. Swiegelaar claimed to have performed a rite common to Satanism at home, but he also questioned the existence of God. When Jesus came to him, he claimed, he was overcome with the most tremendous feelings of love and joy.
Swiegelaar went on to say that he would rather concentrate on healing people with love and light than trying to extricate other Satanists from the occult. As of this writing, the Satanic Church of South Africa has verified Swiegelaar’s resignation and praised him for his service.